英会話講師・英語教師の派遣 (紹介料等無料。ただし地域は限られます)
英文翻訳・添削・作文指導 (下記参照)
Recommendation (推薦の言葉) Hannah Sigur Adjunct Professor, The University of California (カリフォルニア大学)
Makino Mitsunobu is an exceptional Japanese to English
translator. For the variety of documents referenced in complex historical and
cultural projects, he is timely, thorough, and comfortable with everything
from modern to historic vocabulary. His translations maintain a lovely,
natural flow that is notable given the challenge of conveying into modern
English the styles of older Japanese. With online resources having raised the
bar of expectation for both quantity and quality of research exponentially,
Mr. Makino is a willing resource who will search out additional material to
enhance whatever you might have, with suggestions on what might be useful. To
this he brings the informed perspective of his prior academic training, and
importantly, a genuine intellectual interest that makes working with him both
a fruitful experience and a pleasure. |
文系理科向上委員会 (by M&Z) 代表 牧野 光伸
天才をつくるシリーズ 小学生から遊べる三角関数・対数ゲーム 親子で遊ぶ トランプで解く確率 |